January & February Blockout Dates
Volunteers, please communicate your January & February availability by December 22. Thanks!
Edgar Church Family Meeting
All Edgar Community Church family members are encouraged to attend an important meeting regarding updates moving into 2025!
Christmas in Oak Street Park
Volunteer to serve free hot chocolate or dress up for the live nativity at Edgar’s Christmas at Oak Street Park!
Meltdown Youth Winter Retreat
Youth are invited to a winter retreat full of outdoor fun, friends, and growing closer in their relationship to God!
Youth Chili Fundraiser
A freewill donation chili lunch to raise funds for our winter youth conference!
Women’s Fall Retreat
Edgar Community Church ladies are invited to a Women’s Fall Retreat at our church focused on the theme of “Loving Non-Believers.”
Glow Rake Pizza
Edgar Community Youth will enjoy a community service night of glow sticks, leaf raking, and pizza eating!
Hebrews YouVersion Bible Study
Join Edgar Community Church as we study the Book of Hebrews together on the YouVersion Bible app!
Evangelism Training & Pizza
Learn an easy method to share the Gospel and practice telling your testimony, not to mention free pizza! :)
Church Fall Work Day
Work on some fall cleaning and landscaping projects around and in our church building!
Replanted Foster Care Conference
Foster care parents are invited to a special 2-day conference complete with free lunch and childcare!