Life Groups

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…” (Hebrews 10:24-25)

How do we love God and love people? By growing in our relationships and knowledge of both God and people! This is where Life Groups come in! Life Groups are opportunities for small gatherings of people to come together and collectively deepen their love of God and one another. 


What: A mixed group of all ages, genders, and backgrounds, coming together to focus on prayer, Bible study, community, outreach, and worship

Who: All adults are welcome

When: A variety of weeknights during the fall and spring semesters, usually meeting for about 12-15 consecutive weeks each. Sometimes, special summer Life Groups will meet for 6-10 weeks.

Where: A variety of locations, primarily group members’ homes


Monday Night Life Group (Mondays @ 6pm at Pangborn Home)

  • The leader is Amy Pangborn.

  • The Fall 2024 Monday Night Life Group will study Humility: The Beauty of Holiness in Today’s English and with Study Guide by Andrew Murray.

For more details, check out the Monday Night Life Group Church Center page.

Women’s Life Group (Wednesdays @ 6pm in Church Prayer Room)

  • The leader is Sarah Kline.

  • The Women’s Life Group meets year-round every Wednesday night there is Edgar Community Youth.

  • The Fall 2024 Women’s Life Group will study will study Humility: The Beauty of Holiness in Today’s English and with Study Guide by Andrew Murray.

For more details, check out the Women’s Life Group Church Center page.

Thursday Morning Life Group (Thursdays @ 9am in Church Prayer Room)

  • The leaders are Linda Lane and Tammy Schmidt.

  • The Fall 2024 Thursday Morning Life Group will study Humility: The Beauty of Holiness in Today’s English and with Study Guide by Andrew Murray.

For more details, check out the Thursday Morning Life Group Church Center page.

If you have questions about Life Groups or would like to join a study, please contact Rachel Tarmann at for more information.