Neighborhood Pancake Breakfasts
Enjoy a delicious $1 breakfast while connecting with our Edgar neighbors!
Summer Life Groups
Join one of our two Summer Life Group offerings to connect deeper with God and people!
Youth Back Room Bible Study
All students in Grades 6-12 are welcome to join us for Back Room ice cream and a Bible Study on the Book of James!
Prayer & Worship Campfires
Enjoy three summer campfires with prayer, worship, and good fellowship!
Exodus YouVersion Bible Study
Read through the Book of Exodus with Edgar Community Church!
Hope for the Journey
Foster care families and supporters are invited to this FREE training for interacting with children with trauma backgrounds.
Bring Your Phone to Church Sunday
Serve Team members, please bring your phone to church on May 21 for a brief training on our new Planning Center volunteer scheduling system and church apps.
Graduation Sunday
Celebrate our Class of 2023 high school and college graduates on Sunday, May 21!
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
Men are invited to a free breakfast of pancakes and sausage. Enjoy good food, good fellowship, and a good time of prayer!
Edgar Vacation Bible School
Kids in Grades 5 and younger are invited to enjoy an out-of-this-world week of outer space fun while we learn to "shine Jesus's light" through Bible stories, games, crafts, music, and more!
Youth Camp
Middle school and high school students are invited to a fun-filled week of summer youth camp!
Spring Membership Classes
Interested in becoming a member of Edgar Community Church or joining a Serve Team? Attend an upcoming Membership Class this spring!
Daddy Date Night
Dads and daughters are invited to a special night of music, dessert, photo booth, and more!