Grateful Goodbye & Baptism Sunday

Sunday, May 26 is Pastor Nick's last Sunday with us. We would like to honor Nick and his family with a special Grateful Goodbye Sunday. We'll have a cookout after church and an opportunity for everyone to wish Nick well in this next season of his life. The church will provide the main dish. Everyone is invited to bring a side dish or dessert.

We are also going to have baptisms on May 26. Baptism is one way that Christians show on the outside who they've become on the inside by committing their heart and life to Jesus. If you are someone who has committed to Jesus being the Lord and Savior of your life and haven't been baptized since making that commitment, you're welcome to get baptized on Sunday, May 26. There is no membership requirement or baptism class you need to take beforehand, just a genuine faith in Jesus is required. Questions about baptism? Talk with Pastor Nick.


Graduation Sunday


Youth Camp