Amazon Missions Trip Donations

Dawn Snyder from our Edgar Community Church family and several members of The Mill Church Stratford are going to on a missions trip May 16-27 to the Amazon River.

There are a few donation needs for this missions trip, specifically toothbrushes, new eyeglass readers, beach balls, and soccer balls (both deflated). We will pass around a sign up sheet if you're interested in signing up to donate one of these items. We will also have a collection box in the church commons between now and April 7.

The team would appreciate prayers for everyone’s visas to be approved before the trip, the team while they're ministering, the missionaries that they will be ministering with, travel anxieties for those who haven’t been out of the country or flown, & safety while in the jungle & on the Amazon River.

People are encouraged to check out the "Brazil/Peru May 2024" Facebook page to receive trip updates.


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